I have to say, the original question posed at the outset of this post seems just a bit too clueless and on the nose to be considered genuine. It seems almost Troll-ish and reminds me of the way some folks (who have nothing else to offer at the moment) make posts intended to stir the pot and then they sit back and enjoy the attention it garners them.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Two witness rule: who cares?
by _Morpheus ini find people railing against the so called “two witness rule” puzzling.
i think its a complete and total non issue.
for those that protest, argue or advocate for change in that rule, why?
Pete Zahut
Faders Needing a Great One Liner
by Solzhenitsyn inso our family fade is well under way.
we changed congregations as regular attenders and left in good standing with those giving hugs and kisses simply knowing we "needed a change".
we moved to a neighboring congregation that is out of our original region knowing we would see no one and the two boe's wouldn't really have immediate dealings.
Pete Zahut
I know their "but Lord where shall we go" mentality. Part of me feels like I know their countermeasures and they don't stand a chance.
John 6:68 Lord, to WHOM shall we go? You have the sayings of everlasting life.
JW's like to say "WHERE" shall we go? " indicating that there is no other place or organization for them to turn to. The actual question was, "To WHOM shall we go? indicating that being associated with Jesus was the issue rather than with a certain organization. Individuals can still be associated with Jesus, without being JW's.
But my family and I (including an elementary school age child) would like to settle on a great one liner when approached by JW's who have been our friends for many years.
Q.) What's going on with you? Are you still attending meetings ?
A.) Without going into a lot of detail, I'll say that for us, there was a perfect storm of personal and organizational events that made us reexamine our long held religious beliefs and it was during that reexamination that we came across information regarding the organization and it's practices as well as the history of its doctrinal changes. Things that every JW should know before being baptized.
Q.) Like what?
A.) Again, I'm not going to go in to detail, but for anyone making any type of important life decision, all of the information they need to make an informed choice is now available to them so that unlike us, they're able to know what they need to know, up front.
For us,once we knew better, we did better.
My fade. Phase 2.
by Beth Sarim inabout to move from ''irregular'' status to ''inactive''.. after 6 months of not handing a field service report since the end of june, i will be recognized as ''inactive''.
there could be 'questions' coming my way.. after having read ''crisis of conscience'' last spring, i could no longer ''actively'' preach or believe the wbts conscientiously.
i could no longer fake hours by putting the 'slip' in the field service box.
Pete Zahut
Beth Sarim
I realize 'questions' will be coming my way. It's just phase 2, of my ''fade''. Because they recognize ''inactive'' ones as disfellowshipped and have expanded the shunning.
If and when they do question you, be as vague as possible and convey to them the idea that you are puzzled as to why they would be at all concerned about your spirituality. Neither confirm or deny anything they might have to say about you.
Be like the British royal family was way back in the day and who for the most part still seem to realize that when it comes to the public, fault will be found no matter what they say or do, so they generally offer no excuses, no explanations and no apologies.
No matter how loving and fair they appear to be, people are people and there's a certain pecking order or gang mentality that takes place as a result of the merest bit of perceived authority or advantage that they might seem to have over you, even with so called spiritual men. As soon as you start answering their questions, they'll feel empowered and will have the upper hand which could put you on the run so to speak. On the other hand, they won't know what to do with someone who doesn't play along with the game that they were prepared to play.
Get used to long pauses and quizzical looks from them. Don't be temped to rush in and fill the void with an excuse or an explanation regarding something that's your personal business.
My Gay XJW Friend's Decision Concerning His Relationship With His Partner
by fulltimestudent ini've often spoken of my xjw friend and his younger chinese partner.
my friend was kicked out of yhwh's "clean" organisation when he was around 60. .
before he became a witness at around age 17-18, he did appreciate that he was attracted to other guys.
Pete Zahut
fulltimestudent "They entered into a relationship at a time when my friend was a youngish 60 and his new partner was a mature 28.They have had about 30 years together and have helped each other to prosper through those years. Now my friend is in his early 80s and his partner is close to 60."
Wouldn't your friend be 90 by now? Anyway, I'm curious how you came to know so much about this situation and are they asking you for your advice in terms of what they should do? Since it was mentioned, is it significant to the story that the two younger men are Chinese?
Either way, there are certain situations in life such as May/December marriages/partnerships that are rife with these kinds of problems and that's why they often are heavily advised against. Often the issues that inevitably arise in these relationships and in life in general, don't have a good solution or any solution at all. The only thing one can do is forget finding the perfect answer and choose a way to go that seems to be the least problematic and just muddle through the best one can.
Sentinel Island: Rewards for Those Who Expand Their Ministry, Blessings Await You!!!!!
by moomanchu in"can you serve where the need for kingdom publishers is greater?".
the message of jehovah’s kingdom by christ has already gained grand triumphs throughout the earth because he backs up and blesses the preaching of this “good news” by his witnesses in all the inhabited earth.
Pete Zahut
If now I had to leave Europe for some reason, I would prefer to live in India rather than in the United States.
Hopefully you realize on some level that you can't base your view of an etire country based upon what you hear in the news. From the tone of you comment, It's a wonder any of the 325 million plus U.S. residents could even survive the perceived conception you have of the place, let alone hope to have a normal existence .
Either way, there are many or the barely survivin U.S. residents if when asked, would prefer that you would in fact go to safe, clean and trouble free Inda once you've inevetably grown disenchanted with our current residence and its countrymen.
(Then again, they might be able to use you to sheild themselves from the barrage of bullets they face on a daily basis).
The Fun I Could Of Had
by new boy ini think back on all the missed opportunities i could had not being a jehovah's witness.
however, now i'm thinking about all the fun i could of had if i had been a pimo and had fun in that position.
the possibilities are endless.
Pete Zahut
"Fun I could have had ??"
I could have given answers during the Sunday Watchtower study that pointed out certain ironies in the JW doctrine yet seemed to be in full agreement.
For example, during a study on the revised meaning of the word "generation" I could've raised my hand and said:
"Since the mid 1900's Jehovah's Witnesses have been teaching people throughout the world that those who were of an age of understanding during the year 1914, would not die before Armageddon arrived. Those who rejected our message or didn't accept this teaching were considered to be Apostate or at the very least as un-sheeplike.
Since 1914 is now over 100 years in the past and most everyone alive at that time has passed away, anyone who couldn't accept the reasoning behind the old understanding of the word "generation" will be happy to know that the Governing Body has lovingly provided a clearer understanding of this word. They've made it clear to us that a great grandfather and a great grandchild are of the same generation so long as they were alive during the same overlapping years. We've learned that when Jesus said at Matthew 24:34 "this generation will by no means pass away until all these things are fulfilled" technically he should have said "This generation and anyone whose life later overlaps the lives of this generation's, will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled."
Sentinel Island: Rewards for Those Who Expand Their Ministry, Blessings Await You!!!!!
by moomanchu in"can you serve where the need for kingdom publishers is greater?".
the message of jehovah’s kingdom by christ has already gained grand triumphs throughout the earth because he backs up and blesses the preaching of this “good news” by his witnesses in all the inhabited earth.
Pete Zahut
I was wondering if this guy was a JW, none of the articles say what religion he was but then I realized that there would have been at least two people killed if he was there representing the JW organization and he'd probably have been wearing a necktie.
A big shout out to the NHS
by moley inlast week i suffered two heart attacks, first one occurred while i was at home, phoned for an ambulance which promptly arrived and whisked me off too hospital, docs decided i needed a stent and during the angioplasty i had a massive heart attack according to the doc that did it.
i was unaware as i was out.
but what i want to say is what an amazing organisation the nhs is.
Pete Zahut
Glad to hear you made it through all of that scary stuff OK and that you're happy to have NHS. It's times like that when one is grateful to all those awful worldly people, nurses doctors lab techs scientists etc who worked and studied hard to make saving lives like yours and millions of others, possible.
Tag teams of Cart Sitters
by days of future passed inone sunday, we took our dad out for lunch.
since it didn't open till 12:00, we were going to have to kill time.
this restaurant is situated with other businesses around a small park and when we parked, we noticed there was a cart to the right in the park.
Pete Zahut
On Thursdays there are 2 carts and 4 people who stand outside our relatively quiet office building. All 4 people say nothing and are all 4 are undoubtedly counting time separately while being seen by the same few passersby.
It seems to me that when the society reports the hours spent in the ministry each year, in the interest of accuracy, they should divide the number in half or in this case by 4. This practice must be driving up the ratio of the hours spent compared to the amount of newly baptized ones coming in.
Funny ex-jw memes
by Apostate Anonymous inbackstory:.
so my born-in cousin who recently left the org is looking to start an ex-jw / group instagram based in socal.
he asked me if i had any ideas for a photo that can used for the instagram page and this is what i made for him:.